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PROGRAM 2021-2026


All EU cititzens aged 18+ with residence in Kronberg are eligible to vote for the local parliament.

KfB program 2021-2026

KfB (Kronberg for the Citizens) is a dynamic and active group of residents concerned with the optimal development of Kronberg for its citizens. We are an independent voters’ association with seats and voting rights in the local parliament. Being politically independent and local, KfB concentrates on issues that directly concern and affect the citizens in Kronberg. We are known for our careful and critical examination of official documents and information issued from the local government and councils before we take important and far reaching decisions. This is our hallmark that we intend to maintain in future! In addition to adding a healthy element of critique and questioning to current political issues, KfB is very active in finding and executing ideas that promise to improve and constructively develop Kronberg for its citizens.


Insuring transparent politics

KfB wants to enable citizens to become more engaged in governmental issues by making municipal operations transparent. Not only at election time, but even during the legislative period, citizens will be able to stay informed, voice an opinion, and have the chance to even influence the course of some decision making:

  • The right for citizens to raise questions at council meetings

  • Fewer deliberations that exclude the public

  • Stronger local advisory councils (Ortsbeiräte)

  • Live transmission of council meetings

  • Prompt information to citizens affected by official decisions taken or under consideration

  • The establishment of strategic goals that are more concrete and binding

  • Well-timed status reports of ongoing projects

  • A more citizen-friendly municipal website

  • Timely citizen participation in official projects


Preserve the unique character of Kronberg

Many aspects make Kronberg one of the most unique and highly attractive towns in Hessen; strong historical roots, nestled in the foothills of the Taunus; lies close to a metropolitan city and international airport, lots of public and private green areas, to name but a few. KfB wants to keep it this way, and promotes a moderate development plan:

  • No urbanisation

  • Maintain green space and fruit tree meadows

  • Development of the train station area with moderation: Limit the height and massiveness of the planned buildings.

  • Stop the trend of maximum and massive building: Kronberg is not a suburb of Frankfurt!


Area around train station

KfB wants to develop the area around the train station in Kronberg, including the historic buiding of the "Kaiserbahnhof". Park & ride space should remain available at the station to avoid search for parking spots in the neighborhood.


Opel Zoo

KfB is committed to promoting and supporting Opel Zoo; however with these boundaries:

  • Maintain public access of the entire Philosophenweg path including the throughway across Opel Zoo to Königstein

  • Refuse parking on the adjacent meadow

  • Prevent expansion of the zoo


Engagement in each Kronberg District

KfB promotes town development oriented towards the local environment and situation in each of the town's districts. With the initiative of KfB the following projects have been realised:

  • Schönberg: Instituting better drainage in the districts' center to prevent the commonly frequent flooding; initiating a weekly market, the market festival, and the flea market; finding a successor for the local store in Mainblick. Projects that we will continue working on include: Taunushalle, Cemetery, and Friedrichstraße, to name a few.

  • Oberhöchstadt: Supporting the sustainable development of the sport field; retaining the Haus Altkönig where it currently resides, insisting on an organised and well-grounded local building development that fits in with the surroundings


Social responsibilities

Our current priorities involve these topics:

  • Maintaining flexible child care services

  • Ensuring healthy and regionally grown food in school and daycare meals

  • Promoting indoor/outdoor meeting places and activities for adolescents

  • Advocating an expanded cycle route throughout the town

  • Maintaining the cross- generational balance with proper housing opportunities and leisure time activities

  • Supporting refugees who have right-to-stay status with educational, cultural, and housing possibilities; for example German language courses, retaining the Villa Winter Café, and subsidized housing.


Municipal finances

KfB is actively working on the following issues to achieve some improvement in the dismal financial situation of the town:

  • A stricter cost discipline

  • Punctual yearly closing and budget processes

  • Prevent town's valuable assets being sold below value

  • Promote economic development and concepts that encourage tourism

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